Harmonize Your Health
Transforming Lives Through Comprehensive Medical Excellence
Welcome to our transformative medical services, where we're committed to revolutionizing the way you experience healthcare.
Dear Patients,
In an effort to try and improve our ability to pick up and answer more of your phone calls during business hours, the following changes will be made to our voicemail policy:
Effective Dec 27, 2024, our voicemail will shutoff at 5:30pm (Mon to Thurs); 3:00pm on Fridays and 1:00pm on Saturdays.
This means you will no longer be able to leave voicemails at our office after these times.
Our phone lines will reopen at 8:00am Monday through Saturday. At this time, you will be able to leave a voice message if we cannot answer your call.
Our hope in making this adjustment is that we’ll be able to answer more of your phone calls live, versus spending our time listening to and responding to hundreds of voicemails every morning. ,
While we will not be able to pick-up and answer every call, we are hoping at the very least, it will reduce the wait times for return calls.
Please remember that with over 14,000 patients, the number of phone calls we get per day is overwhelming and our staff do their best to return every call within a few hours.
Thank you for your understanding.
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Why Choose us
Trusted Hands, Trusted Care: Staff And Doctors Who Put You First
Our medical clinic is like no other, you have been to. Our Paitients experience a friendly service, helpful staff and very knowledgeable doctors who take pride in their work to provide the best patient experience possible, while being open minded with their patients health issues and methods to deal with things.
Patients' and family/support persons' perspectives are listened to and honoured
We believe in the power of knowledge, shared with patients and families in a complete and unbiased manner.
Patients and families are encouraged and supported to participate in their care and decision-making.
Our doctors and staff don't just work for patients and families, but with them in every aspect of patient and family health care,
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